Journey into the Halls of Amenti Group Call
Regular price $33.33During this Group Call, we will Journey into the Halls of Amenti. The Halls of Amenti are within the Celestial Realms. They house the True Records of Human History. Who we truly are, what we are truly capable of, what life was like before the fall/cataclysm, and what life can be like once again IF we choose it, first individually and then collectively.
The Halls of Amenti also hold the Truth of our Individual Soul Blueprint. Where we can access and learn about our Soul History, Blueprint, and Potential if we so choose.
Before we can enter the Halls, we must be willing to lay down our perceived limits, our self-doubt, our fear, and anything that holds us back from being a vessel of our Soul’s Truth. This will be our first step in the Journey.
Our real journey begins the moment that we decide and acknowledge that we were created for greatness. We were not birthed into this cycle to be a slave to suffering in any form...That is the Ultimate Illusion...The Veil of Suffering blocks our True Sight. It distracts us from our greatness and our ability to create it.
Next, We will meet the Guardians of the Halls and be allowed to purify our hearts of anything that is standing in our way of Living the Path of Unconditional Love...Towards ourselves or others...So we can In-body this beneficial frequency that will guide us to the Higher Truths.
Once these steps are complete, we will access the Halls to discover Humanities True History, Our Soul’s HIstory, and Our Soul’s Blueprint, so we can use all of this information moving forward to create our own Heaven on Earth and share the information with others that are also ready to create their Heaven on Earth.
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